I've been having laser cut mdf withdrawal symptoms so, as it's pay day, I've splashed out on a small order of three 15mm Middle Eastern style buildings from Blotz. They've added a few new structures to their existing selection of adobe style houses including this really imposing compound, which I can use for my long planned Britain's Small Wars post-colonial skirmish ideas and for 15mm Sci-Fi or Victorian colonial games like PITS, to name a fraction of the obvious options. I have a couple of the 28mm Blotz Middle Eastern buildings and if these 15mm ones are as well-designed and easy to construct, I will be very happy.
I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
ReplyDeleteI really like the look and design of these kits...very versatile too.
ReplyDeleteLooks excellent...would be ideal for Foreign Legion games...hmmm...
ReplyDeleteYes indeed...hadn't thought of that!