Tuesday 7 January 2020

1/2400th ACW Ironclad Painting Part Two

I finished the Union river flotilla yesterday, with half a dozen Eads river ironclads, four transport sternwheelers, six mortar rafts and three assorted floating batteries. The ironclads have coloured bands on their stacks, as requested in the brief, which match those used on the Cairo class for identification purposes. I didn't enjoy painting these as much as the Confederates but they ended up looking okay I think? I'll be tackling ten assorted cottonclads and tinclads next, followed by some screw and paddle gunboats.


  1. Coming along nicely, are you building shore forts too?


  2. Looking good. All ready for some action at Island No. 10.

  3. Thanks. I have a couple of forts to paint up at the end of the queue but I'll just follow the same method I used on the ones I painted for my ironclads.
