Thursday 30 January 2020

Cruel Seas Club Game

I had a very enjoyable game of Cruel Seas at the club the other night, in which the Royal Navy intercepted and destroyed a German coastal patrol somewhere in the English Channel, albeit for the loss of all but one for their own ships. I managed to sink two E-Boats with my MTB and Flower Class corvette, with some help from the other half of the Royal Navy flotilla, but ended up ramming my two craft together as I attempted to dodge a torpedo salvo. In the end, both of my models ended up sinking, leaving only a trawler to pick up the survivors. It was jolly good fun and I'll definitely be painting up my own models for another game, when I can find the time.


  1. Nice models, and quite a bloody result to the game.

  2. Great looking models Jim. Looking to work some of those into my 1/300 land games (commando raids, landings etc).

  3. Yes they are very nice but not my work for a change.
