Friday 16 April 2021

Chile / Peru Air Support

While I've been diverted off onto Wings at War for the moment, I'm still putting together my second modern naval project for the year, a counterfactual 'What If?' conflict between Chile and Peru, ostensibly over a long standing maritime dispute. This was resolved in 2014 at the Hague but as my flashpoint will be in the early 2000's, it would still be an active and emotive issue for both sides, so more than enough to kick off a small scale conflict between the two nations. 

I've now obtained most of the surface vessels and submarines for both sides, so have moved on to the air assets. I will be using Tumbling Dice 1/600th scale models for these, as I already have a handful of suitable aircraft, so have ordered a pack of MiG-29's and Su-25's, together with some Sea Sprites and Bell 209's for the Peruvians. I have also ordered a pack of F-16's and a pack of Pumas for the Chileans, which should cover most of the bases.