Tuesday 1 June 2021

Bank Robbers, Banditos and Braves

After the Fistful of Lead game yesterday, the lad asked if I had any figures he could paint up for a posse, so he's now got a gang of six Black Scorpion bad guys (or good guys?) to paint up over the half term. 

I said I'd paint some more figures too, so that we can use them in a scenario or two later as a change from the usual figures, so I have assembled a six man bank robber posse from Artizan and Foundry figures. 

I have also included a couple of rifle armed Foundry Mexican peons to beef up my existing posse and a couple of Foundry Apache braves as an extra to make the number up to a round ten figures. 

I'll start painting these soon and hope to get them finished by the end of the month if I can manage it, but I wouldn't hold your breath!


  1. Looks like a pleasant interlude. Have fun with em, great sculpts there.

  2. They are nice...got to get my 28mm painting mojo fired up now!
