Thursday 5 May 2022

AK47 Prototype Paradrop Rules

I've always wanted to use paratroopers with the original AK47 rules, based in the historical precedent set by the Rhodesian Fireforce and South African Parabat units, as well as the scene in The Wild Geese film. I've sketched out some ideas today but will have to run them through the mechanics in the AK47 rules to make sure I haven't missed anything. 

The basic idea is for a single professional unit, made up of of a maximum of eight infantry S/A groups and RPG's only, to be dropped either as a unit coming on in the first turn or as reinforcements from turn three onwards. This unit must be designated as arriving by paradrop when a player spends his 600 points. The aircraft costs 70 points in addition to any points value for the unit it is carrying.

The aircraft enters from the usual corner or centre point, then immediately flies across to the opposite centre point or corner of the table, at a speed of D6 x 4 inches per turn dropping the paratroopers after movement, when the player decides to give them the green light. If they end up off the table, they will appear in the next turn as reinforcements, having 'walked in' from wherever they landed via the same corner or centre point from which the aircraft entered the table

The paratrooper unit lands D6 x 3 inches behind the aircraft, deployed around a central drop point according to the usual rules for cohesion but with at least 3'' between each group, then must wait one turn before moving off. This represents them gathering their kit and grouping up after the drop. They cannot engage in firefights while doing so and cannot move but they also cannot be shot at. After this first turn on the ground, the unit can move off and fire as normal and be shot at by enemy units.

Paratroopers cannot land on an objective or within 4'' of an enemy unit, with an adjustment roll of 2D6 to the centre point of the drop zone if they do, either forward or backward along the flight path. If they land on a template, the player must roll 1D6 for each affected group and on a 5-6 the group is removed, having hung up on trees, crashed through a building or got stuck in a bog or something equally inconvenient. The only exception to this is gentle hills, roads or airstrips, which have no effect.

The aircraft can be shot at but only by dedicated AAA, either ground mounted or on vehicles, as long as they are in range, all ranges being measured to a point directly below the model. The normal line of sight restrictions do not apply and aircraft can see or be seen by any unit on the board. The aircraft is itself unarmed and cannot fire. It counts as a helicopter target when calculating the modifiers to the Basic Factor score. Aircraft obviously cannot capture objectives!

If pinned, representing the aircraft taking fire but not being critically damaged, roll a D6. On a result of 6 the aircraft will immediately head for the edge of the table 'forced from the game' and will not be able  to drop its paratroopers, as it is assumed to be taking violent evasive action. This roll is made once for each and every pin on the aircraft. If an aircraft is destroyed it will crash and the unit it is carrying will also be destroyed. 

I think that will work? It's a good excuse to dig out a C-47 model kit or one of those cheap plastic screw together model Dakotas that you can find in toy shops or on eBay. I have one in the loft somewhere that I'll have to dig out, glue together and re-paint in suitable mottled camouflage colours for my Colonial Settlers army, whenever I get round to painting it up?


  1. You might be able to save a roll by having the player declare if they are dropping/jumping prior to rolling the plane move dice. The troops get strung out starting at the plan moving back in 3inch jumps (for separation). Otherwise you are rolling d6x4, declaring, and starting the line d6x3 back. It seems like this adds an extra roll for little distinction (thereby taking extra time).

  2. Wouldn't the ground range from AAA to the aircraft need to be increased from firing point to the point directly below the target as the target is an aeroplane which will be at least a couple of hundred feet above the ground to allow the 'chutes to deploy after exiting the 'plane?

    1. It's the way firing at helicopters is worked out in the AK47 rules so I'm tying in with that..unrealistic but it is AK47!



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