Tuesday 22 December 2009

In the Heart of Africa

Having had a quick look at the army list for the German Colonial Expedition and checked the contents of my box of figures, my initial force for In the Heart of Africa is looking something like this:

1 x White Man Leader + 1 x Aide de Camp Attendant (free) = 40 points

1 x Scout = 50 points

1 x White Man + gunbearer = 60 points

1 unit of 6 x Marines (regulars) @ 28 x 6 = 168 points

2 units of 6 x Askaris (soldiers) @ 20 x 12 = 240 points

1 Artillery = 50 points

1 x Gunboat = 100 points

Total = 708 points

I think this should provide me with sufficient firepower to take on the opposition without resulting in too much painting work.

The standard bearer, gunbearer and scout figures are stashed away in the garage at home so will have to wait until I get back. The baggage and gunboat will also be later additions but the rest I have with me here. As a result I can get cracking with the cleaning up and basing, as soon as I find a cutting board that is (I forgot to pack one).

Now all I have to do is find the time to get them started. I'll aim to make them my first project of the year with a deadline of the end of January for completion of the figures, if possible including the gunboat and bearers as well. If I get this lot done in a month, I'll have made a good start to the year.

Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. The Royal Navy landing party that's ready to take you on comprises:

    1 x White Man Leader + 3 x Attendants (free) = 40 points

    1 x Standard Bearer = 50 points

    1 x Scout = 50 points

    2 units of 5 x Marines (regulars) @ 28 x 10 = 280 points

    2 units of 5 x Sailors (regulars) @ 28 x 10 = 280 points

    1 units of 15 x Askaris (soldiers) @ 15 x 6 = 240 points

    1 x Gardner Gun = 50 points

    1 x Gunboat (HMS Woodlouse) = 100 points

    4 x Baggage mules

    Total = 940 points

    See you somewhere in Africa!
