Sunday 14 March 2010

Back from Cornwall

We spent the weekend in Cornwall at my Dad's place, which was very nice apart from the journey there and back which took ages. There were roadworks on the A303 on the way down which slowed things up and led to some diversions down bendy B roads, with the result that both of the boys upchucked all over the laybys of Dorset, my car and my trousers. At least it was pink Ribena and Hula Hoop sick rather than the usual variety.

Anyway, the weekend was very enjoyable and I even managed to pick up a couple of second hand books, one on Athenian Triremes and the other on the Israeli airforce (an odd combination but both relevant with respect to the contents of the lead mountain).

I also squeezed in some time this evening to decal the North Africa aircraft, using the excellent Dom's Decal sets for both the Italians and Luftwaffe. I still have to do some minor tidying up and detailing, paint the bases then matt or satin spray varnish them, but they're otherwise finished.

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