Thursday 6 May 2010

BUF Lorries Finished

I spent a couple of hours finishing off the lorries for the BUF flying column this evening and managed to get them wrapped up in one go. I decided to ditch the van as it didn't look right next to the trucks and I couldn't be bothered to paint it so that it did match.

Anyway, the trucks got the three stage Foundry Phlegm Green drybrush, followed by some judicious Foundry Rawhide weathering to finish off the overall scheme. The flatbeds were painted with a base of GW Calthan Brown and three layers of Foundry Chestnut. Finally, the tyres were painted in Foundry Charcoal Grey and the headlights with a black basecoat and then highlights in Foundry Sky Blue.

I added some decals from a set of 40K transfers as they look similar to the BUF flash insignia and were quick and simple to use. They could do with some number plates and unit marking for the mudguards but I think they look OK.

Next up are the bases for the vehicles and the texturing for the figure bases, which I'm hoping to wrap up tomorrow night.


  1. Jim,
    they look great. Very nicely done. Now where did my Anglican league soldiers put those petrol bombs.

  2. Outstanding work on those trucks Jim!
