Monday 7 June 2010

VBCW Red Workers Militia continued...

The Musketeer figures finally arrived today and I've picked out the ones I think will match with the existing Red Workers figures from Empress, North Star, Bolt Action and Westwind. Unfortunately, the Workers Militia bloke with the Bergman SMG had a broken barrel, which is a shame as I really like the figure and wanted to use it as an NCO. Bugger.

Anyway, I've used the other figures to bulk out the unit and create four sections / squads of ten figures, eight with rifles, one with an SMG and one officer or commissar. This is quite a lot of lead to tackle, so one or two of the sections might fall by the wayside as I get try to get them painted up by the end of the month, although I'll do my best to finish the lot.

I've also got a support section of one HMG and two LMG bases, together with the FT17 tank and the field gun plus armoured lorry tow. Again, these might not all see the light at the end of the tunnel, except the FT17 which is looking at me in a funny way and just has to be done.

I've also got a shipment of four diecast trucks from ebay which look ideal for VBCW. They're Lledo Days Gone By Fordson 7v lorries, complete with removable tilts. I'm not sure what I'm going to use them for but they'd be good as regular or territorial army trucks with a quick paint conversion and some insignia decals for the mudguards.

Finally, the police figures have had their bases textured, painted and flocked. Now all I need is a suitable police vehicle for them to drive around in, otherwise they'll have to walk.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim,

    What colours did you use for the Police?

    Excellent blog btw :)

