Thursday 30 September 2010

Pirate Crew [14]

I finally finished off the pirate crew with the bases of the last two figures painted with Foundry Base Sand and a bit of static grass added for effect. I have two more figures underway but they can now wait until the next game when I'll finish them off as extras.

I thought I'd take a group photo of Black Jack Trelawney and his scurvy riddled swabs as a tribute to their stirling performance the other day, despite the fact that they sufffered badly in the first round. You can't keep a swashbuckler down and so they duly bounced back to see off the opposition in the second game in a timely fashion.


Anyway, it's on to the project for October in the form of the BKC2 Italian battlegroup and the extra planes for the Bag The Hun 2 North Africa collection. I'm not sure which I'll tackle first but I'll be getting started this weekend with some cleaning, basing and undercoating.

1 comment:

  1. They look like a right old band of Cuthroats - and I mean that in a nice way!
