Monday 13 September 2010

Pirate Crew [5]

I'm not too sure about the latest effort in the pirate painting process. They're at that 'ho hum' sort of point, when they don't look too good but might be not too bad, once a few finishing touches are added. I've used a variety of GW and Foundry shades to move them on but with mixed results

There are a couple I'm quite pleased with, including the pistol armed figures, the captain and the bareheaded black musketeer, whilst a couple of the others are looking a bit dodgy.

Anyway, not far to go now and they'll be done, so it's on to the belts, gun barrels, buttons and buckles, with a bit oif tidying up, detailing and black lining to finish them off. Hopefully, a fair bit of this will get shifted tomorrow.

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