Friday 29 October 2010

Pirate Ship Plans Update

A bit of a disaster this evening as the youngest decided to stick a toy bead up her left nostril half an hour before the guests were scheduled to arrive for dinner. A few hurried and apologetic phone calls later and we were on a forty mile round trip to Accident and Emergency in Plymouth. We finally got back home three hours later having failed to locate the bead despite the best efforts of the very nice NHS people.

Anyway, no painting of any sort tonight as I still haven't had my supper. However, on the plus side, I did find a copy of this paperback in a second hand book shop for a measly three quid. It's packed full of line drawings of rigging and fittings with explanations for the construction of everything from belayign pins to cat heads. I'm no ship modeller, so this will come in very handy for the pirate ship scratchbuild. 

1 comment:

  1. Kids ehhh, hope shes alright. I have had a couple of nights off from mine lots of lovely hobby time all to myself.

