Thursday 14 October 2010

Warmaster Ancients Ramblings

I've been drumming up some interest at the club for a bit of informal Warmaster Ancients gaming for next year. There seems to be a fair level of interest with about four potential opponents signed up to the idea at least. I suggested an early medieval focus and this also seems to be a potential vote winner.

It looks like 10mm is the popular option, so I've been looking into available early medieval ranges. These boil down to four front runners:

Pendraken - cheap, nice figures, good deals on ready made army packs

Magister Militum - more expensive, wider range, army packs very pricey

Old Glory - nice figures, limited range, only in bulk packs so wastage.

Kallistra - bigger than the rest, nice figures, fairly pricey but limited range.

As a starting point, I'm going to order some samples from Pendraken to see what they're like. Unfortunately, it seems that you can't mix figures ranges due to different sizes, proportions etc. However, there's no reason why individually we couldn't go for whichever manufacturer we liked.

There will have to be some mixing and matching using figures from various Ancient and Medieval ranges to fill in the gaps, especially for the Welsh, Irish and Scots, but these may not appear as armies anyway. I'm sure most people will go for Anglo Saxons or Danes / Norse, both of which are well catered for.

Anyway, if the early medieval option proves to be too restrictive, there are plenty of other options instead e.g. Late Roman, Imperial Roman, later medieval etc.

In the meantime, it's on with the VBCW Reds, followed closely by the Valiant Tommies...


  1. Jim,
    Irregular miniatures do some 10mm Dark Ages too. Irregular can be a bit crude IMO but in 10mm thst's not so much of a problem.
    I like the Pendraken models myself, good range and price. I have some MM too, I needed a unit of cavalry, nice and crisp but just a single static pose which was a bit disappointing. There are some pictures of Pendraken Saxon archers on my blog with Fyrd to follow if I can maintain momentum.

  2. Cheers Tom,

    I like Pendraken's figures and have a load for WW1 and WW2, so they'd be my first choice, espoecially as they're a little bit cheaper than MM and OG.

    I'll definately check out the IM figures and your blog for ideas.



  3. Hi, i can recommend both MM and Pendraken figures for this project.

    As for your chce of rules..... ave you considered Impetus or indeed the upcoming Black Powderless Ancients... I have played WM and WMA for years but recently rebased my armies onto diarama bases to play Impetus (basic is free) and am hoping to use these bases for BPA too

    cheers Shaun
