Sunday 14 November 2010

50 Today

No. I'm not quite 50 yet, although I quite fancy being that little bit closer to retirement.

However, there are now fifty followers signed up to the blog, which is a bit of a result to say the least, given my snail like progress through various random and incomplete projects this year.

Anyway, if you're one of the aforementioned followers, many thanks for sticking with it and I hope you've found at least something of interest this year in return.


  1. Make that 51 Jim :)

    "No. I'm not quite 50 yet, although I quite fancy being that little bit closer to retirement."

    50 doesn't feel very close to retirement to me sadly :(

    I love your blog btw. I'm trying to explore a few alternatives to Warhammer Fantasy - hence my visit.

    Keep up the good work,

    my WFB Gallery
    my WFB Reports
    my WFB blog

  2. Keep up the good work Jim, I love your blog (helps salve my conscience over the numerous unfinished projects here!) :-)
