Monday 31 October 2011

Civil War Battles in Cornwall

I found this in a second hand bookshop in Tavistock on Saturday. It's one of those books that you never seem to be able to find but which pops up when you least expect it. I've been after a copy for a couple of years and now have one.


It's an early Richard Holmes work, so the writing is in his usual informative and readable style, with a good foundation of solid reaearch. I've already identified two Parliametarian regiments in the 1643 campaign that I wasn't aware of, as well as a troop of Royalist dragoons attached to the Cornish Foot in 1643 that I'd previously missed.

An excellent addition to the bookshelf.

1 comment:

  1. I've got Mary Coates book which is the definitive book on the English Civil War in Cornwall. It is expensive and it took me 20 odd years before I found a copy that was reasonable. And even then I had to order through a bookseller on Amazon. I have not come across your Holmes book yet, so will scour the second hand book shops for it. I have one on Bevil Grenville and several by Peter Young. Cavalier Army is a good one. I have a book on wargaming which covers a few battles in Cornwall and Devon during the war written back in the 70's with good illustrations for the time (1970's). Regards.
