Thursday 5 January 2012

AK47 Odds and Ends

I only have these to finish in order to complete the AK47 army ready for a game at some point in the not too distant future. As you can see, they are pretty much there, only needing the texturing, painting and flocking of the bases to be useable. I should get this done tomorrow night, after which, I'll be moving on to the next project.

I have been mulling this over and have two projects in mind, both aiming for completion by half term in mid-February. The front runner is the 28mm Nkonde army for In the Heart of Africa, which has the advantage of having been started and will be relatively quick to paint. The downside is that it requires a lot more cleaning up and basing to get to the painting stage, as well as a some scratchbuilding of a village, pitfall traps and other bits.

The other thing that's been on my mind is a 15mm army, either for Patrols in the Sudan or for The Men of Company B. The latter has the distinct advantage of only needing about twenty bases of figures to start with if I go for a US Marine force with some attached armour. It also doubles up with the AK47 terrain that I've been working on, which would be a real incentive to scratchbuild some more and, at the same time, save me additional effort.

I'll have to give it some more thought over the weekend.

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