Thursday 19 January 2012

Birthday Presents

Unfortunately, real life has caught up with me over the last three days or so and, as a result, I've not made the progress I hoped for on the BKC Italians. On the plus side, the laser cut mdf bases have arrived from ERM and they are very good indeed, with none of the old fluffliness or dodgy geometry of the old bandsaw cut version.

This means I can crack on with basing up a second infantry battalion and the HQ's for the first one. When the Pendraken paratroops turn up I can get them sorted too. I'll put in another order for some WW1 Italian figures for the green coastal defence battalion later on.

Another plus is the arrival of my birthday present from my father, which is a Peter Pig voucher for £55. Thanks Dad! This will be put towards something new rather than adding extra bits to my existing 15mm stuff. I'm not sure what yet but, if I can get extra mileage out of the AK47/ MOCB terrain it'll fit in with that, so some 14th Army or Japanese might be on the cards to use with IABSM 3.

I've also been tasked with buying my own birthday present from the wife and kids, as they have no idea what to get me. This means I'll be able to add some extra bits to whatever I order from Peter Pig or, perhaps, get something else from one of my other favourite manufacturers.

Nice :O)

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