Saturday 27 October 2012

Finest Hour Campaign Plans

I've offered to run a Bag The Hun 2 campaign sometime in 2013 at the club, with four or five players already signed up. I originally intended for this to be a Tobruk set up but have been re-thinking the idea and will now probably go for a Battle of Britain campaign using the Finest Hour supplement. This is an easier option than working it all out myself.

It will allow me to use my existing Luftwaffe collection of eight Bf109's, four Bf110's and nine Do17's, together with the twenty four (!) Ju88's that I painted up for the club participation game a couple of years ago. The latter need re-basing but otherwise they'll fill a big gap in the Luftwaffe air fleet, although I'll need to do some more fighters as well to make up the numbers.

I've also decided to leave my existing Hurricanes to one side and instead to paint up a full squadrons' worth of Spitfires, twelve of which I already have on the leadpile. These will be decked out as 609 Squadron machines based at RAF Middle Wallop in 1940, which just happens to be twenty minutes up the road. I like the local connnection and I also have a full set of 609 squadron decals to mark up the fuselage insignia.

The challenge will be to match the paint shades and finish to the existing RAF aircraft that I have in the collection but this shouldn't be too difficult, as I have everything written down somewhere, so can duplicate the camouflage without too many headaches. I hope. I'll get started on the project as soon as I've cleared the decks a bit and have had a decent break.

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