Thursday 20 December 2012

Naval Gazing

I finally finished work today after fourteen weeks of teaching, which has to be the longest term in the history of our ever over-stretched educational system. So, to celebrate the end of the beginning, I thought I'd pop into town and visit the Oxfam bookshop, as you do. The haul for today is a second hand copy of Jane's Warships at Sea 1897-1997, which will give you some idea of my intended direction for 2013, if you hadn't worked it out already.

We're off to sunny Brittany tomorrow via Plymouth, which is famous for many naval things and also featured as the birthplace of muggins, more than a few years ago. This means that normal service will be interupted for a while but will be resumed once we have have reached the other side of La Manche. In the meantime, I hope you have a very enjoyable wind down to the holidays, especially as I no longer have some of your delightful children to educate for the immediate future.



  1. Great find! reminds me of the heady days of second cold ar naval gaming in the 80's.

  2. You need to get a job in the Independent Sector, Jim. We finished Tuesday 11th! Enjoy the break and health, wealth and happiness for 2013!
