Saturday 19 January 2013

Birthday Presents

Although the postie wasn't able to get through the snow, I did get some excellent presents for my birthday this year, some of which I chose myself and others that were a pleasant surprise. The lady wife bought me a 32GB Kindle Fire HD to share, so I'll be able to delve into the vast selection of military history books that are available as downloads, ready for reading during the holidays when she isn't. I can also download all my rules .pdf's to the harddrive for instant reference at the club. Cool!

My offspring allowed me to spend some of my own money on shiny new metal, which was very nice of them and a change from the usual one way financial arrangement. I took advantage of the Northstar 1675 range sale and bought myself a French and a Dutch army in 28mm, which was quite extravagent but a very good deal. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them but they're some of Mr Copplestone's best figures and might be used with Maurice, which includes some special rules for this earlier period.

Finally, my sister has sent me some Peter Pig vouchers, which will be used to start an IABSM version of the now defunct 5th Battalion DCLI project, this time in 15mm. I'm going to focus this effort on a company of infantry with some tank support, using the figures in the late war British range. However, I'll be avoiding the usual Normandy theatre and instead have a wet/cold weather equipped force to break the Siegfried Line and tackle the Reichswald.

Good stuff!


  1. Happy Birthday!! And what a nice family you have!!!

  2. Yes,happy birthday! It's nice getting things you want(:

  3. Belated Birthday wishes and a splendid haul Sir.

  4. Happy Birthday Jim. Let us know how you get on with the Kindle!
