Thursday 21 February 2013

Bag The Doodlebug [16]

The F-Toys Mustang III and Revell Tempest V arrived in the post today. They're both neat little models and perfect for the project, although I'll need to assemble them and paint the Tempest before I can try them out with the rules. I'll try to match the Tempest paint shades to those on the P51, although I may just overpaint the Mustang so that the finish matches.

I've been flicking through Diver! Diver! Diver! and was interested to find that Spitfire IX's were successful at the start of the anti V1 campaign, particularly those belonging to No165 Squadron. As a result, I've ordered an Eduard kit containing two models that I can paint up as a section leader and wingman. I've also sent off for a decal sheet that includes squadron codes and markings for Tempests, Spitfires, Meteors and Mosquitos.

The flight stand problem is also being tackled on the workbench and I think I've worked out the basic design. This uses some freebie telescopic pointer things that the other half picked up at a conference a few months ago. They extend to six times the length of the pen section, so will provide plenty of altitude but the last bit is a bit flimsy and topped by a metal cap that I'll have to remove somehow.

I'm not sure how to mount the planes on the top of the telescopic stands but I have worked out a way to tackle the other end, using metal washers and the base of a plastic champagne flute, believe it or not. I may just use the washers to bolt and glue together the base but the plastic stand is quite effective although circular rather than hexagonal, which would be the ideal shape for the ground hexes.

...more protoype development is definatelty needed!


  1. I use Areodrom flight stands which are for the money hard to beat. Here is a link to Bob Bowling who sells them direct. I have made my own and for the price he is hard to beat. Antennas with set screws can be purchased seperate as well.
    Flightstand Components

    5-segment Aerodrome® Antennas: $7.00 each with magnets; $6.00 each without magnets

    Clear plastic bases: 5” base $5.00 each;

    2.5” base $2.50 each

    Rare earth magnets: 10 (5 pair): 5mm (0.2”) – $5.00

    1/8” inch (0.125”) – $5.00

    1/4” inch (0.25”)– $5.00

    James Mattes

  2. Thanks James,

    Good tip! If my ad hic DIY method doesn't work, I'll have to follwo your lead.

