Monday 4 February 2013

Full Thrust February [3]

I undercoated the NSL fleet this evening, using my ad hoc but very effective spray painting jig which, as you can see, is a highly precision engineered tool, consisting of a couple of bits of offcut with some nails bashed in at random. It actually works really well, with the tiddly magnets on the ships keeping everything in place, even when held upside down to do the obscure bits.

I've also spent a very meagre twenty quid on pdf copies of Action Stations!, Iron and Fire and Blue Steel, Grey Thunder, all of which I have in hardcopy format but now have on the Kindle Fire as well. I'm planning to make naval gaming a bit of a theme this year, having lots of projects in readiness that have yet to see the light of day, including at the top of the list some coastal warfare from WW1 onwards.

I've alsp been thinking about the BTH2 'Finest Hour' Battle of Britain club campaign for April / May, but that's another story.

(Incidentally, I have no idea why the pictures are like this..??)

1 comment:

  1. I get the same thing with rotated pictures. If you right click on the images as icons in windows explorer then rotate clockwise then rotate back anti clockwise, when you load them they should be OK
