Sunday 7 July 2013

AK47 Extra Bits

I have set up a final game of AK47 at the club in a couple of weeks, before I shoot off on my holidays, so I thought I'd polish off a couple of extra units for the occasion. The first is my tribal militia unit that I painted up a few weeks ago, supposedly for a new Religious Movement army but re-purposed as an addition to my existing Mbote dictatorship armed forces, now with bases fully textured and ready for finishing off.

The second is a militia technical that I didn't quite manage to finish first time round, once again in support of President for Life Papi Mpongo, esteemed leader of the Mbotean people. The plan is to complete these in the next few days, so that I can concentrate on the Bolt Action stuff thereafter. It's going to be a busy week but I reckon I can squeeze these in before the weekend.


  1. As an aficionado of of technicals, I really like what you've made there!
