Monday 15 July 2013

Looking Back, Looking Forward.

As it's pretty much the half way point in the year, I thought I'd have a brief look back at the progress or lack of to date. It's been a bit 'swings and roundabouts' over the last six and a half months but, on the whole, I'm quite pleased with the outcome.

Not only have I ditched a number of old projects via ebay but I have completed or added to a number of things that I wanted to tackle this year including two Full Thrust fleets, a whole load of Bag The Hun aircraft, and some extras units and some terrain markers for AK47. This isn't as much as I'd hoped for but it's better than nothing.

I've also started a few new projects, most notably the 28mm Bolt Action US platoon and the 1/600th coastal warfare stuff, but haven't been as reckless as last year when it comes to off the cuff diversions. In fact, the Bolt Action thing is well on the way and I'm planning tho take the coastal warfare boats on holiday for a bit of painting up.

There are plenty of things on the horizon too including the 15mm SCW Republican project, a re-vitalised 15mm PITS project for the club and even some 15mm Japanese for IABSM in Burma, not to mention more Bag The Hun and Bolt Action. At the club, there's a lot of interest in Bag the Hun in particular and I have promised to set up a campaign for the Autumn.

Which brings me to the best bit of the last half a year or so, in the shape of many more games than I can remember having organised and run in a long time. In fact, I think I've enjoyed more games as an umpire in the six months than I have in the last six years, which is something I'm keen to maintain and grow over the next six months and beyond.

I've also been lucky enough to take part as a player in a wide variety of games, most of which have been new to me including Muskets and Tomahawks, Prehistoric Settlement, Songs of Drums and Shakos, Bolt Action, BAIT and Black Powder. A big thank you has to go to Mike, Gary and Paul, in particular, for introducing me to some great games. all I have to do is shift more of the lead!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim,

    It has been a pleasure playing the games you have run so far. I'll be interested in taking on your Full Thrust lot at somepoint.
    Glad you enjoyed the games I have put on, no doubt there'll be penty more.

