Wednesday 17 July 2013

NEWSFLASH - Mpongo overthrown by MDF (Reuters)

From our correspondent in Abadwe

In a sudden and unexpected coup d'etat the Mbote Defence Force has overthrown the President of Mbote, Papi Mpongo, and declared a state of martial law. In a press statement, the Minister of War, Colonel Banga B'oum, announced that Mpongo has been been placed under house arrest after the presidential palace was seized at gunpoint by the Mbote Presidential Guard itself.

As yet, no explanation for this dramatic seizure of power by the MDF has been given but recent catastrophic defeats in the on-going border conflict with the neighbouring colonial state of Nbuto may well be a key factor. 

A curfew has been imposed by units of the MDF, which has made it difficult to verify the situation on the ground, but a transferal of power to the military seems to have taken place with little popular opposition.

In a further unexpected development, the Albanian government has announced it's unreserved support for the Mbote military junta, with a pact of military solidarity and political support.

(in other words, I'm going to try out a Superpower Backed army for AK47...just for a change)


  1. The Albanian Super Power? :) Looks like a great tie in for the game. What new gear will they get from their new friends.

  2. This might help:
