Sunday 17 November 2013

NEWSFLASH - Mbote freezes Bana Soto assets (Reuters)

Dr Fhat Waalet, Mbote Minister of Finance, CEO of the MOB
From our correspondent in Mpongoville

A fierce diplomatic row has broken out, threatening the fragile relationship between the Democratic Republic of Mbote and the newly independent state of Bana Soto. The recently installed president of Mbote, Colonel Banga'Boum, has called for a trade embargo with neighbouring Bana Soto, in retaliation for claims made by the interim President of Bana Soto, Washington Deesee, to valuable mineral rights in the border zone between the two countries.

In a press release, the Mbote Finance Minister, Dr Fhat Waalet, announced that the Mbote Offshore Bank (MOB) would freeze all financial assets belonging to the impoversished state of Bana Soto including those of President Deesee. These would only be released when all territorial claims made by Bana Soto are relinquished. A deadline has been set for the government of Bana Soto to back down but, as yet, there has been no news of any such move by President DeeSee.  

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