Friday 20 December 2013

Chain of Command Christmas

I'm off to France tomorrow for the duration so will be packing some reading material for the journey. I've been watching the video tutorials for Chain of Command and have also been reading through the after action reports on the Toofatlardies blog, so it's about time I actually gave the rules the attention they deserve. It's an ideal opportunity to get my head around the rules without any distractions.

I'll be packing the Kindle so that I can get a handle on the pre-game set up, the turn sequence and the mechanics, ready for a game in the New Year at some not too distant point? For the moment, this will be with my late war US platoon but, in the longer term, I'm looking forward to building a force with the Xmas Warlord Japanese starter army, with a number of other options open if I get the time.


  1. Plastic USMC are on the horizon...

  2. You will enjoy reading the rules, they are very inspirational.
    Merry Christmas,
