Monday 24 February 2014

AK47 Game Plans

I've set up another game of AK47 at the club in a couple of weeks, as I was asked to run a follow on game from the last bash. This means that I'll be umpiring again, which I'm happy to do, so that four other players can take part. The games we've played so far have all been good fun and have helped the team familiarise themselves with the rules in advance of the AK47 club campaign.
I'm going to try to finish my superpower army for the game, as it only needs three units to be painted up and some casualty markers sorted to be a viable force. This means that the Japanese for Chain of Command will be kicked a little further down the road in the meantime. I'll start on the Japanese in a couple of weeks time once the AK47 army is done and dusted.
I'm also going to try to put together at least one scratchbuilt bit of terrain, so that the scenery has a little bit of something to make it stand out. This will be something realtively simple and, at the moment, will either be a shanty town or some basic urban building such as shopfronts or low rise housing.


  1. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with on the AK-47 front. Maybe you've seen this but there is some inspiration:
