Friday 28 February 2014

Bolt Action Alternatives

I've been thinking of alternatives to Bolt Action over the last couple of days. Although I like the rules and the production values, I'm not too keen on the system overall. I'm already planning to use Chain of Command as the ruleset of choice for my skirmish level games but, in the meantime, I've dug out a couple of older rulesets that I may well try out. 
I'll sit down this weekend to have a more detailed look through Disposable Heroes and Rate of Fire, once I've dusted them off, with one or the other as a possible focus for a game at some point soon. I've heard good and bad things about both systems, so it'll be interesting to compare them with Bolt Action.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've also got disposable heroes/coffins and NUTs as possible alternatives to look at...

  3. Chain of Command is impressing me more and more every time I use it

  4. After playing BA for a while I dusted off the "Arc of Fire" rules as it had greater flexibility and I can play a game with a squad or a company easily.

  5. I just purchased Chain of Command and I am liking the looks of it so far. I use The Battlegroup series for larger battles. I'll be curious to see what you think of those other rulesets. - Jeff

  6. I've also dumped Bolt Action. I've tried DH, Arc of Fire and Chain of Command. I haven't tried RoF yet but like the AFV rules in particular. The sequence of play puts me off a bit though I find nearly all of these rules are too lethal with insufficient morale effects. Fast and Dirty free from Yahoo are a good option., especially when you use the card driven activation. I'll be interested to hear how RoF goes.
