Friday 7 February 2014

Jolly Good Jungle Hut

The mdf jungle hut kit arrived yesterday, which was super quick, so I spent an enjoyable half an hour or so with my daughter gluing it together. She's learning about the rainforest at school, so she was really excited about the model and will probably get to take it in for Show and Tell next week. Anyway, it was really straightforward to construct and looks great too, so I've ordered a couple more from the range to make a Malayan / Burmese village.
I will paint it up this weekend, with an overall green airbrush spray followed by some judicious drybrushing and weathering. I've been admiring  Mike's airbrush mdf approach over on his blog, so will have a crack at the same technique with the jungle hut. I suppose I could leave it in an unfinished mdf state but I think it will look better with a lick of paint and some texturing for the base. All  I now need to do is scratchbuild some paddy fields, rubber plantations and lots of jungle!


  1. Nice model :)
    I love the smell of mdf in the morning...

  2. Hi Jim

    I need some buildings for Borneo and these might fit the bill. Who makes them?

