Wednesday 25 June 2014

Chain of Command Japanese TAG Snipers

Now the Bag the Hun stuff is tucked away, I'm going to kick off my Chain of Command project for the Summer, having been tied up with other things until now. The last bits that I need (?) have been gathered together including this pack of snipers from the TAG range, which were originally supposed to be from Brigade Games but they'd run out of stock.
I've also aquired a second Warlord Games Chi Ha tank really cheap via ebay, as you can never have enough tanks, so I'm ready to get gluing and basing this weekend. The only thing I'm thinking of adding would be some trucks but I'm going to rummage in the toy box for some suitable Days Gone By diecast lorries, rather than splash out on expensive resin ones.

1 comment:

  1. I just picked up one of the warlord Chi-Ha tanks a couple weeks ago. It is a snazzy kit. Looking forward to the finished figures.

