Tuesday 29 July 2014

Billy Bones ACW Brigade

The Longstreet paper armies project moves further on again, with the rest of the packs that I need for the Union Brigade now on the hard drive. These consist of the cavalry and artillery plus some built up terrain. As yet, there are no dismounts or horseholders for the cavalry but I'm sure I can use some of the firing line infantry stands or skirmishers for the former and the latter can be fudged. I don't know when I'll be able to put this lot together but, if I can get access to a printer, I'll have a go over the holidays. 

1 comment:

  1. I came across the Billy Bones website only recently and had to buy the ECW set pretty sharpish! I'm in the middle to writing a blog post which mentions how the ACW and ECW stuff on the BB site demonstrates that paper figures can do something different rather than just trying to replicate how metal or plastic miniatures look. Love them! Looking forward to reading more of your posts on the subject!
