Tuesday 15 July 2014

Goodbye Mr Gove

I apologize for the political interruption...

.....normal service will be resumed as soon as I've stopped ******* myself  laughing.


  1. I was reminded of that old film 'Mr Chips' for some reason... although sadly he doesn't die in the end. ;-)

  2. A memorable education secretary for all the wrong reasons. He will be sadly missed... by who, though, I have no idea!

  3. From Education to Chief Whip, there is a certain irony there! The summer holiday is suddenly looking brighter.

  4. Well he ruined everything he touched in his old job so maybe he will do the same and f**k up the Tory party too!

  5. Sadly until we drive him and his Old Etonian cronies into the sea next May I fear his pernicious influence will be felt, just maybe not quite so much in the classroom.

    Still he doesn't half look like Pob in that picture.

  6. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving bloke. I've watched his antics from this side of the Pond with a constant sense of disbelief. Good riddance!

  7. Not to minimise what was most definitely the best (only) good thing to happen since the Tories formed a government - I recently attended a conference where a very senior education commentator described Gove as probably the most harmless and thoughtful of a very powerful right wing / 'victorian values' education group within his party.. hard to imagine I know, but there it is.
