Thursday 18 September 2014

Aaaargh...Pirate Ship ahoy!

The club participation game for Warfare is now in the developmental stage and I've promised to scratchbuild a second pirate ship for the as yet 'top secret' pirate v. dinosaurs scenario. I was hoping to get something underway over the holidays but, as the French don't seem to have discovered 4mm balsa sheet or mounting card, I didn't get very far. Now, however, I can make use of my stash of scratchbuilding stuff including all the balsa, card and strip wood that I could possibly want along with some groovy plans by Gary Chalk in the Foundry Compendium. Arrrgh indeed!


  1. Pirates vs Dinosaurs? Way-hey!!!

  2. That reminds me as to why I couldn't take my young son to the latest pirate movie--it was rated Arrrrr.*

    Best regards,


    *Amerispeak for "Restricted--Mature Audiences Only"
