Sunday 12 October 2014

NEWSFLASH - C.R.A.P. patrol locates missing missile crash site (Reuters)

From our defence correspondent in Bjobo

In a brief press statement at the Combined Regional African Peacekeeping HQ in Bjobo, a spokesmen for the C.R.A.P. mission, Major Short-Cummins, has confirmed the location of a missing WaPongo short range missile in the hotly contested border zone between Mbote and Bana Soto. The missile itself was lost in a test firing incident during joint military exercises between Mbote and Zubuto earlier this week.

According to the statement, a border monitoring unit of  C.R.A.P. peace keeping troops located the crash site of the missile yesterday during a routine patrol. The exact location of the wreckage has yet to be confirmed but it is clearly somewhere in the demilitarised border zone between the two rival states of Mbote and Bana Soto, with serious implications for competing claims by both nations to the crash site itself.

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