Sunday 16 November 2014

Warfare Swag

I set off to Warfare yesterday with a modest shopping list which included a storage box for my new AK47 army, some Peter Pig AK47 professionals for the Indonesia / Borneo and a hard copy of Lion Rampant, so that I don't have to keep flicking backwards and forwards on the Kindle. A fairly simple list of things to find, or so you would have thought?

In the end, I bought a KR multicase for my 28mm Japanese army including a neat foam tray for heavy weapons bases, the Peter Pig figures and, in a moment of 'ooh shiny' distraction, two 15mm sci-fi starter armies from GZG. I didn't see that one coming at all but it's something I've fancied doing for a long time, so there is some logic in there somewhere?

These are a UNSC/L light infantry force and a NAC infantry force, the former being for a high-tech, HALO style army, while the latter will be a relatively low-tech near future platoon. I decided to go for a Colonial Marines theme for the NAC figures, as they look similar to the Aliens film version, so also bought some APC's from Antenociti's Workshop, which was just across the aisle from GZG.

These are lovely models and consist of an assault troop and a HQ troop, each made up of variants of the basic M577 APC. The basic APC models are spot on replicas of the vehicle in Aliens, so will really look the part next to the NAC infantry, even if the figures are not identical to the USCM originals. The rules that I would be using for this aren't definite but Tomorrrow's War and FUBAR look like a good way to go.

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