Wednesday 21 January 2015

15mm Feudal Farmyard

I'm sure you've noticed the virtual standstill on the workbench over the last couple of weeks, which is due to an unavoidable but very unpleasant pre-occupation with work. Things at work are, to say the least, difficult but that's all I can say at the moment. It's also freezing in the garage, which doesn't help!

Anyway, I have been thinking forward and have now added some very nice Museum Miniatures farm yard animals to the Lion Rampant skirmish project. These will be used as objectives in the game and will be based up in small groups, ready to be stolen, cooked and eaten by the rival factions.

I particularly like the geese and chickens, which I think are really cool, together with the pigs and the mastiffs, which would look splendid on a command base. It's a shame that there is no variation in the poses but at least the goats, pigs and cows should mix well with the Peter Pig and ERM livestock that I already have in the bits box.



  1. Wow! Painting 15mm geese and chickens! Nice set of figures!

  2. They are really nice..especially the poultry!
