Thursday 15 January 2015

Let it Snow!

I had a hospital appointment yesterday and, on the way home I decided to pop into the local picture framing and ink jet printer cartridge shop, as it was on my route. The very nice bloke who runs it has a small corner dedicated to scale models, paints and scenic supplies, as he's a 1/16th scale radio control tank enthusiast.

Anyway, he had a sale on and I decided to buy a tub of Army Painter snow, along with some self adhesive grass matting and a couple of pots of paint. I thought the snow might be a good addition to the bases of my 28mm Late War US infantry platoon, which look a little sparse and could do with something to make them more interesting.

I think some snow is needed!

I have some GW snow flock stuff already but really didn't like the way it looked when I tried it out. The Army Painter stuff is more granular and less fluffy, so I think it might be a better option, especially if I also do some washing on the oregano leaf litter, to make it a bit more autumnal and less grey / green in appearance.

Another project for a wet weekend, along with the extra figures and bases that I need to turn the platoon into a full sized unit for Chain or Command, rather than Bolt Action for which it was originally designed. I don't have any time for this at them moment but I may well try the snow out on a sample base at the weekend, just to see what it looks like? 

1 comment:

  1. Looking fowraed to seeing this as we do Winter War as well as Eastern Front. Lots of uses for snow.
