Saturday 16 May 2015

1864 on BBC4

The first two episodes of the Danish TV drama 1864 are on this evening, although I'll have to wait until tomorrow to watch them on i-Player, as the kids have a sleepover and have bagged the telly to watch a DVD. This reminded me that I haven't posted the photos that I took in the Danish Army Museum last year, so here they are, with an emphasis on artillery of the period including some very dusty Espignols. 




  1. Thanks for the heads up Jim.

  2. Great photos, thanks for sharing. It would be nice if someone aired 1864 here in the US, but it might be a forlorn hope.

  3. Thanks Jim. Great photos and post. I watched "1864", and although nothing really much happened (militarily-wise) in episodes 1 and 2, I have high hopes for the rest of the series. Fingers crossed!

  4. Very interesting thanks for the link.
