Tuesday 9 June 2015

A Postcard from the Baltic

I've not had much time for any fun stuff of late, so painting and gaming has taken a nosedive. To make up for this I have re-drafted and extended the Back of a Postcard ironclad rules written by Dave Spender back in 2008 for the Battle of Lissa, aptly titled 'A Postcard from the Adriatic'

These have been tweaked and fiddled with to create a variant for the Second Schleswig War of 1864, with a particular focus on the Baltic, although they are perfectly useable for the actions in the North Sea as well. The original rules were great fun and very fast play, so these should be good too.
I'm not sure how they'll work or if I've left anything out that needs to be covered but they now feature turret ironclads, shore forts and turning clarifications, so should be workable without too many glitches. I've also tweaked the firing factors and added some notes about damage markers.
When I eventually get round to painting up the 1/2400th scale Prussian and Danish squadrons, along with the Austrians which I have now located suitable models for, I'll be able to give them a playtest. In the meantime, I have some neat Tumbling Dice shore forts to put together, along with the ships for the Battle of Heligoland.


  1. A quick comment; forts don't feature in the turn order as it stands.

  2. They fire on phase 2 but I'll clarify that by adding 'enemy ships and forts Fire'. I suppose I could add another phase for firing forts before or the ramming one but let's keep it simple!

    Thanks for the pointer.

  3. I thought they probably would. Clarification only required I think. Good work though.

  4. Do you have this in a format that could be emailed? preds81 at yahoo.com. I was hoping to use Smoke on the Water for Helgoland, but am missing some crucial ship details needed to rate the ships for those rules. Thanks!
