Friday 14 August 2015

Chain of Command Japanese Platoon [21]

I've been (very slowly) chipping away at these over the last few days, when I've been able to grab a spare half and hour or so. I've blocked in the bread bags, rifles, water bottles and the tabi split-toed shoes, which doesn't sound like much but has been a bit fiddly as I'm trying not to spill over onto the basecoat too much. I did these stages in dribs and drabs but I think they're beginning to look less like yellow blobs and more like infantry.
The next thing will be to block in the leather webbing, pouches, holsters and boots, which will also take a while as some of these bits are in awkward places. This will probably come after I've painted in the faces and arms, as this is a bit easier and will be quicker to complete. Once this is done I really only have the black basecoat for the metal bits and some highlights to do before they get some brush washing and tidying up.
It's all looking a bit slapdash at the moment but will be cleaned up right at the end, which is looking like the end of the month at the rate I'm going. We're off camping next week as well, which means yet another disruption to the painting schedule, so the support units and heavy weapons will have to wait until I get back home. I may find the time to squeeze in a couple of the Peter Pig pirate ships right at the end of the holiday but somehow I doubt it.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad, you seem to be getting in more painting than me!
