Sunday 16 August 2015

Galleys and Galleons [25]

I'm thinking of getting some of the 1/450th Peter Pig pirate ships painted when I get back from our camping trip next weekend, in an effort to complete at least one painting task that I set myself at the start of the holidays. I've promised to put on a few more games of Galleys and Galleons at the club, this time in glorious techni-colour rather than black and white, so I need to paint at least two or three ships for both sides.

Now that the rules have been published and are available to download, I'm hoping that they will take off as a club favourite, with more players assembling their own fleets for multiplayer games. It would also be good to finish at least one project this year, as my output has been pretty hopeless thus far. I really need to get some of the things I've started on completed, rather than beginning anything completely new, so I'm going back to some of these projects to blow off the cobwebs!

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