Friday 5 February 2016

Red Planet Terrain Mat

I spotted this bargain today on TMP, a £10 discount offer on Deepcut Studios red planet terrain mats over at the Big Red Bat Cave web shop thingy. As it's Friday and I have had a very, very heavy week, I thought 'I could do with one of those!' and promptly bunged in an order. It works out at a little over £40 for a 6' x 4' mat including First Class postage, so a pretty good deal.

I'm not sure what I'll use it for but initial thoughts are for 15mm Sci Fi, which is one of my projects for this year, along with some Post Apocalypse Mad Max style games using 28mm Copplestone Future Wars figures and 1/43rd scale die-cast toy car conversions. I could also have a go at using it for Fistful of Lead: Reloaded, although it's probably a bit too extra-terrestrial to look quite right?


  1. I saw that and think it looks great, but I made my own two sided 3x3ft board using textured wallpaper. (The reverse will be sci fi interior)Now I don't have any excuse! Do t forget the wastelands version of FFoL: R will appear in due course too. Perfect for that!

  2. I'd forgotten about the wastelands rules...perfect for my Strontium Dog project that I've always wanted to do!

  3. I shall be curious to see what you think of it when it arrives. I was lucky to get a star field mat for Christmas and quite impressed with the quality of the printing on it.
