Wednesday 16 March 2016

AK47 Urban Buildings

It's been a while since I posted anything related to AK47 but a recent find on Ebay will soon be filling a gap in my African terrain collection. I've been looking for some suitable urban buildings for AK47 for years but with no luck. There are plenty of North African adobe style models available and no shortage of modern multi-storey ruins to choose from but nothing really suitable for Sub-Saharan Africa.

There's a bloke who sells scratch built shanty towns and apartment blocks but they're really expensive and, to be honest, I could do them myself if I had the time. This is a rare commodity at the moment, so something off the shelf would be a big plus. What I've been looking for is something lo-rise and ad-hoc, like these street front shop buildings in Kumasi (Ghana):

So, to cut a long story short, I was pleased to find these very reasonably priced laser cut 15mm modern buildings on Ebay, with a range of sizes and designs based around simple slot together components. The various walls, floors and ceilings are made from 3mm mdf and, although they look a bit crude, I think they'll be perfect once I add some extra bits and bobs.

I have some air conditioning units from The Scene, for example, which would be great plonked on the roof or hanging off the side, together with some corrugated iron sheets, signage and other gubbins. It looks like I could split the three storey buildings up as well to make a couple of two storey apartment blocks in order to vary the roofline and spread the urban sprawl a bit further?

A quick bit of mental maths and they work out at about two and a bit quid each, so a real bargain and easily enough to populate the mean streets of downtown Mpongoville without any tedious planning permission. If I scratch build some street furniture and a couple of shanty town templates to sprinkle round the edges I think the overall effect will be pretty cool.


  1. Good find! Can you give a link to ebay? or shop name maybe?

  2. Here you go:

  3. I have been looking at 6mm MDF buildings all day now thanks to this. I should be able to put together a city for quite cheap!

  4. Excellent spot, I've bought some for 15mm Gruntz & Laserburn games
