Thursday 21 April 2016


This has been in the pipeline for quite a while now, so I was really interested to read a review of the rules in the latest issue of Wargames Illustrated a few days ago, which provided a lot more detail about the key features of the game. I have had a long term goal to 'do' Darkest Africa and have an extensive lead pile set aside for just such a thing so Congo has grabbed my attention, especially as it looks like a smaller sized game than In the Heart of Africa, which has been the focus of my efforts to date.

The emphasis is also more on exploration than warfare, with forces ranging in size from half a dozen figures up to about thirty or so, which would make it more manageable than ITHOA, which can involve a lot of figures if you go for the African options in the army lists. The gameplay also look really different and quite innovative, so I'm really looking forward to it's publication as an excuse to paint some more figures and scratch build some decent jungle or savannah terrain. 


  1. They look interesting. I like the idea of exploration games with a small number of figures. It would tie-in nicely with larger military games in a campaign setting.

  2. Been on my radar for a bit... exploration mechanic looks interesting!

  3. Yes indeed. I'm thinking of finally getting round to painting my large tribal army, using some of the figures for this. I like the idea of exploring rather than just fighting skirmishes for no particular reason.

  4. This is certainly on the 'to have' list for me too.

  5. Exploring sounds good to me! I have an idea for a similar space exploring game, so I would be interested to snaffle some ideas. I may even like it for a bit of pulp exploration action.
