Sunday 30 October 2016

Red Armoured Train Chuffing Along

I finished the second machine gun turret for the HMG wagon today and then tidied up the roof of the wagon itself, adding the last of the plastic card plating to deck over the top. I decided to use tiddly magnets and washers to fix the turrets in place rather than gluing them down, so that they can be rotated to fire in a sensible direction as required.

I also assembled the field gun turret for the last of the armoured train wagons, using the fridge magnets covered in plastic card approach that I originally employed when I scratch built my previous armoured train. I made the turret taller this time so that it looked as though a crew could actually fit inside, so no suspension of disbelief required.

I'll be pretty busy for the next few days but I hope to get the machine gun wagon finished by the end of the week, so that I can turn my attention to the field gun turret wagon instead. When that's underway I'll also start on the engine and tender so that I actually have a useable train for Turn Two of the Back of Beyond club campaign in January.


  1. It's great to see the transformation from humble lego brick to train, wonderful progress.

  2. You are making great progress on this Jim - keep it up!
