Tuesday 19 September 2017

Bag the Hun Berlin 1945

I've been busily scribbling down ideas for the Bag the Hun 2 multiplayer game scenario this evening, dipping into the rules to extract the various things I need to make it work. The idea is to split the players into two 'teams', one for the Allies and one for the Axis, but then to allocate aircraft, pilots, starting positions and altitude using a randomised system. This will probably use the cards that I will prepare for the game, to be in keeping with the flavour of the rules and to keep it simple.

The various pairs of fighters will then all enter the table as bogeys, with no one knowing who or what they will be up against until a successful spotting roll 'de-cloaks' each pair for all to see. I'm getting round this by assuming that the radio net is open and both sides are tuning in, so when a pair spots an enemy pair, everyone will be looking in that direction and will automatically spot the target too (a bit unrealistic but it's much easier to handle in the middle of a game that way).

I'm still working on the numerous cards I'll need to churn out and on the various record sheets I'll need to fill in but good progress has already been made and I'm feeling pretty much on top of the whole ball game at the moment, although who knows what snags will crop up over the week? I'm also aiming to get some paint on those P47D's but I've had enough for this evening and need to mull over what I've worked out for the game thus far, leaving the painting to tomorrow evening and a fresh pair of eyes!


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