Tuesday 28 November 2017

Gaslands Bundle

I have now received the bundle of Gaslands rules, dice and templates that I ordered a while back, so will be flicking through the book over the next couple of days. The first impression is that a simple idea, driving around shooting things and crashing, seems to have been made quite complicated, although I'm sure a playtest will make more sense of the system.

It's definitely not as 'nuts and bolts' as Axles and Alloys II, which is what I've used before for post-apocalyptic car combat. I don't like the background blurb either but as that's entirely optional, I'll just ignore it. I need to give the rules a go at some point with my existing die cast conversions but now plan to make some more, if only to have a second 'gang' of road warriors to use as the opposition.

I even bought a new Hotwheels pick up in the local newsagent on the way to work this morning!


  1. I was disappointed in the direction Garlands went. I'm sticking with Axles and Alloys II, because it fits what I want to do with it: "Axles and Alloys II is a game of Converted Hot Wheels And Matchbox Cars Driving Around And Around And Around and Trying To Shoot The Sh#t Out of One Another. It doesn't deserve a game treatment any more involved than this one. Do you want something on a par with Advanced Squad Leader when all you are doing is Converting Hot Wheels And Matchbox Cars And Then Driving Around And Around And Around and Trying To Shoot The Sh#t Out of One Another?"

  2. Well said! I'm less than impressed with the way the movement system seemed to work, as it just looks too complicated for what it's trying to do? I guess there's a bit of gameplay involved in all those dice and skids, slides, shifts and so on?

  3. I've watched a few videos on how that all works. Looks like that's the key of it. But you know me. Eight people every Thursday. No time for complicated stuff.

  4. It is really not as complicated as it first looks. We've been using the Beterules for a good 5 months now, 8-10 cars a nigh form a good 2 hoours game and banter (and lots of explosions)

  5. I wonder... I've read Gaslands -- but haven't played it yet -- and it seems very simple. So simple if you simplify it even more, there's barely any game left. It's definitely not Advanced Squad Leader; it's indeed Converting Hot Wheels and Pushing Them Around.
