Wednesday 31 January 2018

Air War Korea

I've been flicking through this Check Your Six! supplement again, looking for scenarios that I can adapt for Bag the MiG, as I'm not a fan of CY6! and prefer the historical emphasis on tactical formations that Bag the Hun has at its core. It's not that I don't like CY6! as it's a fine set of detailed rules but I just prefer the card based turns and skill emphasis taken in the Bag the Hun rules, which I am far more familiar with and really enjoy. Anyway, there's a gold mine of potential scenarios spanning the entire Korean War in the air, so it should be very easy to port them over to Bag the MiG making it possible to set up a few games at the club with minimal hassle.  


  1. It is a great resource, I've got it but have never played CY6.


